Monday, November 3, 2014

The Life-giving Power of the Word

"My soul clings to the dust; revive me according to Your word." ~Psalm 119:25

This verse reminds us of the life-giving power of the Word. To me, someone who won't read God's Word is like someone who refuses to breath. If you take a short run, you always pause after the end to catch your breath. If you carry a heavy chest of drawers up the stairs (which I have had to do more times than I can count), you always stop at the top to breathe. Never once have I heard anyone skip breathing, with the statement, "I don't need to breath, I can live on my own" or "I simply don't have the time to breathe" or "I'm to lazy to breath today, I'll make up for it tomorrow." Why do we choose to continue breathing? Because it is necessary for life.

We must be reading and meditating on the Word because we need it for survival as Christians. Some may laugh it off, saying that they've never seen anyone up and die because they didn't read God's Word. However the death of a believer is often spiritual rather than physical. And it is almost always slow and barely even noticeable. We see many young people leaving the church today. I believe part of the reason is because they have failed to acknowledge the source of life and drink from its fountains. They have not absorbed and digested the nutrients found there through Scripture memory and memorization.

What about you? Are you becoming lukewarm in your love for the Lord? Have you acknowledge the true source of life? You feed your physical body three (or more) times each day, and yet this body will only last for a century at most. How much more important than to glean nutrients and life-giving power form the Word, to feed your spiritual body, which lives forever?

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