Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Keys to Application

Application, really and truly applying what we have learned through Bible reading and memorization is the hardest part of this whole process. Impossible in fact. That's why the Holy Spirit is so imperative in our life. John 14:26 says, "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you." He is our Helper. He will teach us the things we need to be working on. And He will remind us of these things in the time of temptation. It is only by His strength. Only through His power.

And oftentimes, I have fallen into the pit of believing that this should happen all at once. That I should be able to apply all these amazing truths to my life right now, perfectly. I mean, with the power of the Holy Spirit, I should be completely transformed in a day, right? As much as I wish that were true, it is not. Application never ends! His Spirit guides us little by little. Think of it. If we were working on applying everything that we need to be like Christ, we would be so completely overwhelmed! For that reason, God reveals little by little, one step at a time, drawing us closer to Himself by the power of the Holy Spirit.

So, how can we apply these amazing truths? A couple suggestions:

1. Pray -- This is your number one solution to your dilemma. And this doesn’t mean a half-hearted whisper to the Lord in the morning. Persist in prayer. As my pastor pointed out, the people during Jesus' time who wanted healing went to extreme measures to get it. Drilling holes in roofs.  Daring to touch Him. Traveling for days just to get to Him. Disregarding the words of naysayers. This is what we must to do in our prayer lives too. Persist. Persevere. The answer will come, but we mustn't stop praying.

2. Meditate -- As these thoughts continually dwell in our mind, the Holy Spirit can easily use them to prompt us to action. Be thinking about the things that you need to apply.

3. Watch -- Be attentive. This process of application is not passive. You must be consciously aware of your actions, and looking for ways to apply God's Words.  Is there anyway right now you could be serving your neighbor or lending a helping hand, according to biblical truths?  Be watchful at all times.  Chances to apply His Word lie all around you; you must only open your eyes.

4. Read God's Word -- The more you read, the more His thoughts fill your mind, the more you will want to follow Him. You will be daily inspired to persevere in the walk of faith. You will be filled with renewed vigilance. And you will find, subtly, that His character rubs off on you. The more you read, the more you study, the easy this application process is.

I hope these ideas were helpful and inspiring to you in your own application walk!  May God alone be glorified in your life my dear!

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