Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Blessing

"Blessed are the undefiled in the way,
Who walk in the law of the Lord!
Blessed are those who keep His testimonies,
Who seek Him with the whole heart!
They also do no iniquity;
They walk in His ways."
~Psalm 119:1-3

How do these men remain undefiled, pure, having no iniquity? They seek Him with their whole heart. They walk in His ways. They keep His testimonies. They walk in His law.

We wonder why we're not more like Christ, crying on our beds, wondering why we didn't say the right thing, or sin in this way yet again. The answer is in these verses. We desire to be like Christ, yes? We want to become like Him, and the key is right here. Seek His Word, and keep what you find therein. Look at what you see in God's Word and follow Him. Walk in His law. Don't just read it, but align your steps by it. In this way, you're steps will be purified by the fiery furnace of the living Word. Your heart will be pierced by the convictions that lie within God's testimonies.

And in the end, you will receive joy, peace, and the gift of abiding in Jesus. I can tell you, that gift cannot be traded for all the gold in the world, or the whole state of Texas. Don't trade anything, not video games, not grades, not television for the preciousness of being like Jesus Christ.

Seek Him through His Word, and the Bible promises that you will find Him. Do you want to be blessed? Walk in the law of the Lord. Do you want to be blessed? Keep His testimonies. Do you want to be pure? Seek Him with your whole heart. Do you want to be without iniquity? Walk in His ways. 

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