Monday, February 23, 2015

From Stressed to Blessed

I whispered a hurried prayer as I rushed to begin my morning chores. I had an endless list of to-dos, on top of chores and family responsibilities.  An impossible list stared me in the face.  How was I going to get everything done?

My school and other tasks reached an overwhelming peak, to the point where I was really discouraged at the impossibilities facing me.  I paused momentarily before rushing to the laundry room in order to ask for the help of the Lord.  I knew I needed His help.  However, even though I knew I had His guidance, it didn’t really affect the way I felt or acted.  I still rushed about on my own strength. I was still discouraged at my massive to-do list.

What I had failed to do was meditate on who He is.  When my thoughts turn off my problems and onto Him, my whole perspective changes!

Consider Psalms 1, where it talks about the man whose “delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night” (Psalm 1:2).  He is like a tree, firmly planted by the streams of water.  His leaf does not wither. He does not burn out.  He is not stressed.  He bears much fruit.  Because he is meditating on the law of the Lord, he is able to obey the commands of Christ and bear much fruit. He is not so focused on his circumstances that he forgets to love and serve others.  And finally, “whatever he does shall prosper” (Psalm 1:3).  The work of his hand prospers.  He is able to complete his tasks with excellence.  And all these blessings are poured out on this biblical example because he meditates on the character of God.

Today, if you are faced with an endless to-do list, focus on the character of God. Remember: He is much stronger than your problems. He is greater than your to-do list.  He is in control of your environment.  And He has promised to be with you and bless you throughout your day. Truly, He is great.

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