Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Taking Thoughts Captive

Here's an essay I wrote recently on how we can cast down wrong thoughts that tend to encroach upon our minds.  I pray you find it encouraging!

Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). Daily, Christians wage war against Satan in the battlefield of their minds. Many times throughout the day, our enemy will throw temptations and needless fantasies or worries into our heads. However, because we are children of the King, we must take action to tear down the arguments that the devil flings our way. As we engage in this war, we must cast out Satan and reject the lie. Oftentimes, when tempted, I shout “Stop it!” or “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you, come out!” When we physically denounce the wrong thought, we utter a battle cry which proclaims our unwillingness to remain impassive.

Secondly, in our battle against wrong thoughts, we must utilize the priceless weapon of prayer. As soon as temptation creeps into our minds, we can cast it at Jesus’ feet in prayer. Bringing our needs before Him allows the Almighty God to wage war against the devil. Even the very act of praying takes a believer’s mind off corrupt thoughts. Especially in reoccurring temptations, it helps to have a “prayer target” for which a person immediately begins to pray whenever the lies surface. In my own spiritual skirmishes, I have found that interceding for unsaved friends and family takes my mind off my sinful thoughts. Indeed, prayer assists Christians in the battle of their minds by diverting them from wrong imaginations and inviting the help of the Holy Spirit.

Finally, as God’s children cast down every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of the Holy One, they must wield the double-edged sword called God’s Word. Because I often face temptations concerning emotional purity, I have written down helpful verses, like 2 Timothy 2:22, on index cards. Next, I have diligently memorized each passage. As a result, whenever Satan tries that particular attack against my purity, I can refute it with Scripture. Additionally, as I choose to meditate on God’s Word and contemplate its meaning, the wrong thoughts diminish as God’s Word takes predominance in my mind. Overall, Scripture adds an invaluable advantage to our fight against the schemes of Satan.

Although no “guaranteed formula” for casting down Satan’s strongholds exists, Scripture has given guiding principles to aid Christians in their battle. Denouncing the lie, praying, and meditating on God’s Word have the power to thwart the ploys of the devil, even though each has no set order or length. When Jesus counseled His disciples in the garden, He commanded, “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation” (Matthew 26:41). Christians must never forget that their mind is a constant battlefield. They must watch alertly for subtle lies of the devil that can infiltrate their minds. And they must also pray. These two weapons, coupled with the power of Scripture, can help all believers triumph in the battle they fight.

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